Katie-May Castle
Five Generations Celebration.
On October 30th 2007 Katie-May was born into our family, the 5th generation of first born female children, still living; there have been at least two more that we know of, we are a Matriarchy family, (female dominate.)
This weekend Teagan and Josh, Katie-May's parents brought her over to Blenheim to meet her Great-great-grandmother, plus all the rest of our extended family.
This just happened to coincide with Christmas celebrations that are always held at my Mothers house every year.
Seventeen of the family crammed into Mums lounge to welcome Katie-May into the family, everyone except a couple of young lads not very interested in babies at this time! And Nyle's Husband Shane who was busy and unable to come over for the day.!
It is so seldom that all my own family are able to join in these family occasions, since they all live in Nelson, so I sat in the lounge with a big grin on my face and a warm glow in my heart to see them all mixing with the Uncles and Aunts and many Cousins and their Great-grandmother.
After a long noisy time of family catchups, huge afternoon tea feasts, Christmas wishes, and baby cuddles ( you can be sure I joined in the cuddle line for my snuggle with the new babe) a newspaper photographer arrived to take a photo for the local paper, because 5 living generations of female first borns is extremely rare.
We feel we are very Blessed.
This is my photo of Great+great+grandMother holding Katie-May with Teagan the Mother beside her, Nyle and I standing behind.

Great+great+grandmother enjoying her cuddle with her Great+great+granddaughter. Taken by my daughter.
Baby was so good all afternoon, allowing everyone all the cuddles and smiling the whole time, amazing since she is only 6 weeks old.
This is the photo that appeared in the local Newspaper of all five of us, out in Mother's garden in the brilliant sunshine.