My World a day in Noumea.The Pacific Sun sailed to Noumea during the night and we awoke to a beautiful sunny day in French New Caledonia, We shall be here for 2 days rather than the one we were meant to be having here, reason being, The Ilse of Pines has refused to allow any cruise ships to land on their Island until the Swine flu has been brought under control. The Island people have no resistance to this sort of illness a

nd have every right to protect themselves

but it is a pity as we had

been looking forward to visiting that pretty island.
We have booked a shore tour for Noumea to go to Lemon Bay and to go to the aquarium after a sight seeing tour. First there took us by coach to a vantage point so we could look out over the city and harbour and also see all the graffiti on the building at the top!
Then we enjoyed walking through the aquarium watching all the colourful tropical fish and corals, next it was on to Anis Vata Beach fora stroll and to look out at Duck Island before lunch, we hadn't been expecting to be given a long french bread stick filled with a delicious chicken salad, but we very much enjoyed it. The men also enjoyed the view of the beach w

hich is a topless bathing beach! Some of our party jumped in for swim too, but not topless, we

just watched on this occasion. Then the coach took us to lemon Bay nso named because a ship once sank while loaded with lemons in this bay and all of them were washed up into the bay.
Then back to the ship.