The progression of slowly colouring sky from silver to gold.
Ends up looking rat6her like an alien in the sky, winking at us.

Sky Watch Friday.
Our wonderful life of semi-retirement in Picton, New Zealand.
Only in New Zealand.
A seagull in Dunedin has developed the habit of stealing ETA Chips from a neighbourhood convenience store. The seagull waits until the Manager isn't looking, and then walks into the store and grabs a snack-size bag of cheese chips.
Once outside, the bag gets ripped open and shared by other birds.
The seagull's shoplifting started early this month when he first swooped into the store in Dunedin , and helped himself to a bag of chips. Since then, he's become a regular. He always takes the same type of chips.
The Manager thinks it's great because people are coming to watch the feathered thief make the daily grab and run, and that's good for business, and especially since customers have begun paying for the seagull's stolen bags of Chips because they think it's so funny.
However, the Manager did say, "This is New Zealand , and if that seagull starts to grab a 6-pack of beer to go along with the Chips, I may have to put a stop to it.