My World for this week is at Marfells Beach.After all the misty foggy mornings at Goose Bay we decided to move on to Marfells Beach, about 150 miles along the coastline. it was a good decision. This bay is much more sheltered from some winds and gets all the sun. We arrived to a really hot sunny day and quickly set up camp in our caravan, then set off for a walk down the beach, which is not very sandy more shingly, there were masses of terns and gulls resting on the shore that rose into the air and wheeled all around us as we walked, probably hoping for a free hand out of bread etc.
We were very surprised to see all the new developments, there is a lovely new ablutions block and several newly cleared camping sites along the waters edge and up on the bank as well. We were also amazed at how many people were camping and that most of them seemed to be fishermen with dingy's and crayfish pots and nets beside their tents and caravans.
There were plenty of peop

le sun bathing and swimming in the wa

ves, we were tempted to jump in to, but restrained ourselves.
Evening came and a most unusual sunset all in strange rays, then a beautiful full moon sailed through the sky majestically, it was magical, even though the sea mist did start to rise again, we still enjoyed our cool bottle of wine in the warm of the evening, along with most of the other campers.
In the morning we saw sever

al fishermen heading out for a days fishing in their small boats and on their big bikes along the beach to better places. When we saw them dragging their boats back in we spoke to some ans admired their catches, and were so happy when they offered us a feed of fish, it was so generous of them and we sure did enjoy that fresh fish.