My World for this week.
It is years since we have been to a 21st Birthday Party, often now young people celebrate their 20th or even their 18th Birthday instead of the old way of getting the key of the door at 21. But Amanda who is living and working in Australia chose to come home to her parents house for her 21st and to combine it with another wonderful event, her engagement to Daniel - Erle's grandson, who is also living and working in Australia.

We hadn't seen either of them for q

uite some time so it was nice to see them both again and catch up with them and help celebrate in grand home style their big events, As it was held in Rangiora it meant most of us had to travel down so it was a great opportun

ity to have a nice long weekend away for us and many of the others.
There were masses of friends and relations of all ages at the house inside and outside. A big barbecue meal was prepared by Amanda's Father, and he made a great job of it, no charred chops and half raw chicken! Everything was cooked to perfection, rather more than we were able to manage to devour, but we all made a valiant attempt.
Amanda's Mum had been very busy baking and preparing all the food.
We watched the young ones down some 'shots' which we had never done and decided we didn't want to, but we did have a tiny taste of the strong liquor they were downing with the salt and lemon, with the loud toasts to the couple.
I wouldn't want their hangovers tomorrow!
Afterward there was lots of fireworks let off to make the day.