The 'A S' Echo.The 'A S' Echo is an old Scow built in New Zealand in 1905, it worked mainl

y as

coastal freight transport around New Zealand, then later from Wellington to Blenheim, via the Opawa River.
During the second world war the Echo was commisioned in to the Navy to assist with the War effort in the Pacific. After the War it returned to to its transportation dutes between Wellington and Blenheim, until 1965 when the Echo was retired from duty and sailed around to Picton Harbour and slowly transformed into a tourist attraction. It is now a Cafe and Bar, moored permanently within the Harbour. I really enjoy sitting up on the upper deck with a

glass of wine or a hot coffee, watching the boats moving out on the water. Inside the Echo there are many historic photos showing its varied life.

My World This is my latest posting for the My World meme . It is hosted by Klaus, Ivar,Sandy, Wren, Louise and fishing guy. Here is part of 'My World'. World
do have a look at the other wonderful postings from around the world.
This business is currently For Sale, a great opportunity for a hard working couple wishing to move to Picton.