hello from noumea
This was all I was able to do when we used an internet cafe in Noumea. The keyboard was all different to what I have ever seen before, the letters were in quite different places and I never did find the shift key or the full stop. I had only paid for 10 mins but after messing for 15 mins the french men helped me or I would not have been able to even sign on.
You learn something every day, and this day it was that the french have a different keyboard to us English speaking folk! the A is on the top line the M is also on the top but at the other end!The @ is a strange French E with an accent over it, with out help I would never have managed to do anything at all.
Are other countries keyboards different too?
Friday, July 31, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Porsche goes to the Vets.

My World Meme for this week, do check out all the many other interesting posts.
Porsche goes to the Vets for her shot.
As we are going away for our annual holidays, on a cruise around the Pacific Ocean visiting about
5 different Islands, we will have to leave our dear little cat in Whiskers Cattery again, to do
so she must have current vaccinations against Cat flu and maybe other things. We arranged an
appointment for her with the Lady Vet for 3.30pm.
We told Porsche she would be going to the vets and got out he
Porsche took one look and headed outside, but we didn't worry because she is very obedient and always comes
running when we call her. However, when we decided it was time to go we called and called and called
but no Porsche, so reluctantly we had to cancel the appointment and get another for an hour later,
that gave us plenty of time to search all her hidy holes around the grounds, but although we did
a big search there was no sign of her. We were becoming concerned for her safety as she is never gone so long.
We started asking the neighbours if they had seen her, and checking garages in case she was locked inside one of them.
The second appointment had to be canceled finally, and we decided we would give up on vaccinations
that day. By now it was starting to get dark as it was now nearly 5.30pm. Just as soon as it got
dark and we were worried out of our minds by her loss, when we heard a chirpy happy little meow
in the hallway, and there lo and behold was our sweet little Porsche, saying "its much too late to
go to the Vets now its dark a little cat should not be outside so I came home."
I can tell you a little cat was immediately thrown into her carry cage and we re-rang the Vet who
said bring her right now since she is in the cage. Once at the Vets Porsche screamed her anger loudly
but she still received her shot, $42 later and we were on our way home, we will not need to take her
back for another two years.
I took this photo the next day specially for this blog, and you can tell she is not happy!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Smoky sky over White's Bay
Sky Watch Friday
Forest fires sending smoke into the sky, as viewed from White's Bay one evening. helicopters were called to assist with putting out the fires and we watched as the helicopter swooped down and dipped a monsoon bucket into the ocean to get water to quell the flames.
A quite large area of Pine forest was destroyed, but no native timber was.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Erle's Fishing trip

My World.
Erle's Fishin
Erle was up bright and early and away to collect some of his fellow fish
It was still very dark at 7am with thick a blanket of fog blocking out all view, which made it quite dangerous navigating out of the Harbour down the narrow dredged channel at low tide. The Skipper, Roger, had to rely on the navigation
Unfortunately none of the fishermen managed to hook and land one of the huge gropers that dwell in the deeps in this point, but many lovely large blue Cod were landed, and by time to leave the full quota of Cod had been caught; 3 large fish each which were strung on flax to bring home for wives to like me to clean and fillet! Lots of other species of fish were also caught and the Skipper filleted them on the return journey, so we were had lots of already filleted fish for our dinner that night and after I filleted the three fish from the flax string I had lo
I gave my precious digital camera to Erle so he could take some nice photos for me to add to this blog. As he had never used it before I wasn't sure what the photos would be like or even if there would be any, but he did well I am pleased with these fishing photos he took.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Marlborough Sounds Allports Island

Sky Watch meme.
The glassy waters of the Marlborough Sounds near Allports Island, with a long white cloud hanging over the land.
Allports Island is an uninhabitable Island bird Sanctuary, in the Queen Charlotte Sound..
Do look at all the other great skies.
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Friday, July 03, 2009
Star Burst Sunset.

Sky Watch
Star burst sunset over the Picton Hills.
Check out all the wonderful skies from around the world.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
The Taylor and Opawa Rivers

My World do check out all the other wonderful posts from around the world.
The Taylor River flows through the town of Blenheim, splitting and becoming the Opawa river. There has been a beautification done in the centre close to town that looks really good and is used quite a lot. There is a new cafe on the river bank, and several small river boats take partying revellor out for fun times, plus there is a much larger boat that take tours up and down the whole river while serving gormet produce from our district in delicious meals.
This was taken on a very rainy day from the Cafe, only ducks making use of the area today.
Kayakers enjoy the fun on the river, taking care to dodge the fountain spray.
A nice crinoline shaped bridge gives access to the opposite side of the river.
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