My World, again on Lifou Island in the Loyalty Island Group, for the last time.
Random photos of some of the colourful people of Lifou Island. Plus a small old statue I found hiding in the palm trees and a live swimming turtle that was playing near the wharf.
I find the scenery is almost as interesting as the people, on this lovely Island.
The ladies dress in big bright dresses with flowers in their hair.
Wonderful and interesting pictures.
Sunny :)
Interesting and colorful.
Thanks for sharing these wonderfully interesting photos! The one of the woman and child really makes my heart glow!
Be nice to live there where you could wear those big bright dresses. The statue is very interesting.
Looks like a nice place to be. Beautiful.
Everything about this place seems exciting and interesting, its landscape, people, flora and fauna. WOW
Wonderful images
I know nothing about those regions so far far away from my town
Have a nice day ans all the very best from me
Beautiful Pictures, Glennis !
I think to know New Zealand is a very beautiful country.
Thanks for your visit on my blog and you comment. You come back again when you want.
I put a translator on my blog.
I have so many readers I visit everyday that I have not time enough to write my blog in english.
Interesting people! there's a well craved statue. i loved to visit islands.
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I probably would not have found you otherwise. Now you have a new follower :-)
I've never been on a cruise. I've read a couple of your blog posts and intend to read more. You have visited beautiful, interesting places.
Very bright and captivating pictures.. Very interesting.
Aloha from my island to YOURS!
Comfort Spiral
Great pictures, really interesting! Always been facinated of other countries and cultures ;)
excellent photography here. thank you for your visit and kind comment.
Interesting places and so different culture!
As a frequent visitor to NZ I appreciate how you appreciate......Picton.
The snaps are beautiful. I liked the sculpture very much.
Beautiful place much closer from here. Wonderful! Thanks for sharing.
Very interesting photos! Thanks for sharing :)
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