Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Picnic and fishing day

With an unexpected day off and a wonderful hot summers day, couldnt resist going for a picnic and a bit of fishing from the shore in Queen Charlotte Sounds. I had plenty of good 'bites' but never caught any fish, lost a few hooks and sinkers though! Erle broke his rod so never got into the fishing. Enjoyed a nice impromptu picnic and a swim, the sea was quite warm so I had a quick dip. The sea warm nice and warm on the top layer but much colder deeper down, very refreshing.  Erle took a photo to prove it but it got lost in the ether somewhere. A very pleasant day and I only got mildly sunburnt, Erle not at all.  So good just to relax by the sea in the sun, and read my tablet where I have a good book by Brice Courtney and am enjoying it.

 A perfect day.


Small Kucing said...

Sure nice to have a day off :)

a nice book to read would be a bonus.

Ninnu said...

You have wonderful landscapes there!

Linda said...

Lovely photos.

L. D. said...

I am assuming that you have summer down there while we have winter up here. It looks like a beautiful summer spot with great photos to share. I would take summer over winter right now.

Birdman said...

Not a fisherman, but know a lot of them. I hear it's not the number of fish caught but the companionship and the experience that counts.

orvokki said...

It looks that you really have a nice day (do you want some snow there… :)
I see you are from New Zealand. I had a pe when I was about 14-16 years old. he was in Christchurch and her name was Jill Watts. It fun how it can remember so old things. But I have always been interesting of New Zealand just for her. And I thought some day travel to New Zealand, but it doesn't never happened.

Thanks for your visiting my blog.
Greetings from Finland.

Lois said...

A beautiful day for sure! Sorry you caught no fish, but it sounds like fun anyway.

Beate said...

This looks like a wonderful place. I'm missing summer and I'd love visiting New Zealand some day.

Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog a while ago :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Now you see this sounds like my perfect kind of fishing day Glennis, I wouldn't like to actually catch a fish, wouldn't know what to do with it :), but the swim and the picnic sound a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...


Lovely photos !!!

Many thanks !!!! :o)

Big hug from Asia

claude said...

Hello Glennis !
Like me still on the web !
I am sure that day was a wonderful day.