SkyWatch for this week is Surfers Paradise for me, do check out many more lovely skies from around the globe.
These pretty sunsets between the sky scrappers took our eye, on different days. Fascinating to people who do not have a sky scrapper in sight usually.

Wonderful peek at the sunset.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
Lovely skies!
Gourgeous sunsets! the tall buildings look like a frame :)
Thats a very beautiful sunset you've got there :D Looking forward for more.
Beautiful framing. Such great skies.
Happy SWF Glennis. Enjoy your weekend.
Fun way of framing up your view of the sky, the colours are fabulous
Gorgeous sunset. My favorite is the one on the left.
Absolutely stunning!
These are spectacular pictures, showing God's beauty in between Man made beauty!
Those pictures don't even look real. Lovely.
Your photos here is making me miss Surfer's Paradise, I was there years ago with the family and had a ball there! Love the sunrise, thanks to the skyscraper I'm living in, I have views of the sunrise and sunset daily.
Wonderful sunsets, Glennis ! I love the first one.
Glennis, that's a superb sky through those skyscrapers. Very good shots!
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