After a lovely lazy day yesterday we were out on the beach soon after breakfast for a long swim, and looking at the coloured fish in the water swimming with us. There was a wide va

riety of them too. We settled down under the beach umbrellas on the sun loungers and started to read our books, but soon we heard thunder crashing around in the heavens big black clouds race over us, so we made our way in-doors just before the rain started, it seems to rain most days, but just for a short burst then the sun is out again, plus it never gets cold at all, still stays hot and humid.
We ran into Rafaella and Scott and suggested that we would hire a taxi for 4 hours and all of us head off to the larger town of Tanjung Uban to have a look around, we assured them as taxi drivers ourselves that the wheel chair would be no trouble at all, we knew how to fold them up and put them in the boot of the vehicle.
After lunch we headed off in the cab with a man said to know no English, but on

ce again after a while of listening to us he found he did know a little and told us all he could about the things we were seeing along the way. The 4 of us had great fun when we arrived in the big town and put Rafaella back into the wheelchair and wheeled he all around the narrow streets even into the shops. We were interested in the fashion in

some of them, rather different, what the local Muslim ladies wear.
I took a photo of Erle beside a delivery motorbike with its big wicker basket of goods on the back, there were many of these around.

Some of the scenery as we drove around was unsusual with strange mounds with trees a top of them, we wondered about them.
We decided we should have some genuine Satay, you know chicken on a stick and asked the driver where we could get some, he told us because of Ramadan it would be difficult to find any but he took us to a small shop and order some for us. When it was all cooked and looked so nice he told us it was Bambi! Rafaella and I, said not Bambi can't eat Bambi, so Scott said no its a much older deer, Rafaella said sort of like Bambis Mother! Erle said no it was just an ol

d random unrelated deer, so with that settled we all ate and enjoyed the venison satay which was very special we gathered since there are no deer in Bintan. Expensive too I think, but Scott paid for them as we were paying the taxi.
The driver then showed us all the seafood restaurants built out over the water on stilts,we didn't bother going into them as we have plenty of lovely fresh seafood at Club Med.
We then asked the driver where all the people lived and where they worked.H

e drove us to several big buildings where clothes were sewed and motor bike were assembled and electrical appliances were made, outside each were hundred of motor cycles of the workers. He then to us to masses of compounds of two and three story building that the workers lived in, rather scruffy close together not very appealing living quarters we thought.
Rafaella took this photo and some others, as my camera had ran out of power by this stage.
Next he drove us to the Temple complex, with

Chinese and Buddhist temples.
We climbed the stairs dragging the wheelchair, so we could all light some inscence in the temples and place it in the sand in a big silver drum with lions carved on the sides. We were fortunate that an elderly Chinese man showed us around and showed us what to do in the


ples. They were quite large and so open.

Lots of bright red colour in the Chinese one.
There was also a big Muslim Mosque near by but we didn't go into that.
Soon it was time to head back to club Med, but on the way the kind helpful driver pulled us into a small fishing village and arranged for us to all have a coconut to drink, now w

e travel a lot but this was only the second time we had actually drunk coconut milk straight from the fresh coconut, and as we were thirsty we all drank the lot and enjoyed it.
In the photo you can clearly see all binding on Rafaella's ankle. and how sore it still is.
When we returned we all went to our rooms for a rest before the big evening meal, we all took cocktails back to our rooms to enjoy!
We went to the other outdoor restaurant for dinner just for a change. Erle and I were not that impressed as the meal was rather small, but it was a nice tender steak. However the setting was very special overlooking the beautiful beach, a million dollar view we all reckoned, plus a million stars overhead.
What a great day, it is amazing that the four of us get on so well together, after all Erle and I are older than their parents, we both have children older than them, but age seems completely irrelevant we all just are enjoying each others company. Wonderful, such nice people.